January 27, 2012

International Quiet Sun Year

The International Quiet Sun Year (IQSY) was a cooperative international effort to study the effects of the sun during the quiet period of the 11 year solar activity cycle (Dec.  1964 – Dec.  1965).   The IQSY was organized by the International Council of Scientific Unions to study solar events that are easier to observe during periods of lower solar activity.  Observations were made using terrestrial observatories and various spacecraft. 

Set of 6 stamps issued by Togo for the IQSY

January 20, 2012

Online Philatelic Research Sources

In the internet age, researching your collection, or just performing basic research is made much easier.  With the click of a button you can have access to many resources on the country or topic/theme you collect.  The intent of this blog is not to provide lists of reference sites to clubs and societies (although many offer archived versions of their journals), but to provide you a short list (two sites) where your can expand your knowledge and find some extraordinary philatelic writing from the past.  The advantages are that you can do the research from your house and the resources are free.

Page from Postage Stamps of Canada. Poole, Bertram William Henry retrieved from Archive.org

January 19, 2012

Custom Album Pages

Here are a couple of customized album pages I designed using Scribus.  If you would like a copy in either .pdf or the scribus source file send me an email at alynstampcollector@gmail.com and let me know.

January 12, 2012

My Album Pages, Page

I have added a page to show some of my custom made album pages. As time permits I will add more of the pages I designed. They range from the extremely rudimentary to some that are quite nice. I currently use Scribus, an open source freeware Desk Top Publisher to design my pages. Other programs that I have used are MS Word, Open Office/Libre Office Writer, MS Publisher and AlbumEasy.

I will provide blank templates in either the programs native format or as a .pdf if you ask.

So here are links to the pages I have scanned and provided so far:

Sink the Bismark
Paraguay's Stations of the Cross
Poland's Navy During WWII
HMCS Bonaventure